Joke of the Day

"Why don't you take a shower with a Pokemon? He might Peek at Chu!"

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"She was only a whiskey maker... ...but he loved her still."
"How do you confuse an idiot? 44"
"News of Whitney Houston's death traveled with such speed. When I heard I couldn't help but crack up with emotion. She was a real heroin. It's such a blow. She really made a hash of things though."
"Joke of the year. /r/politics"
"The joke's on you officer. That breathalyzer won't tell you how much cocaine I've snorted tonight."
"""I always try to go the extra mile for my customers"" -New York's most hated cab driver Courtesy of @lordbeef on Twitter"
"Mail some pirates a treasure map leading to the exact spot where you need a hole dug for a tree."
"Recent studies have shown that 6 out of 7 dwarves aren't Happy"
"Who is the best Podracer in Star Wars? Michael Chewbacca EDIT: Some people don't get the joke..... Michael schumacher is a F1 race car driving legend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Schumacher"