Joke of the Day

"If Trump gets elected... ...it will be the first time in History that a billionaire moves into public housing vacated by a black family."

Next Joke
"I'm opening a tennis themed bar... I'm calling it ""First Come, First Served"""
"Why do you forget a tooth as soon as the dentist pulls it out? Because it goes right out of your head."
"If Bill Gates had a penny for every time I had to reboot my computer ...oh wait, he does."
"Self-absorbed people are the worst. They are always thinking about themselves when they should be thinking about me."
"What happens when an angle gets itself into a car wreck? The angle becomes a rectangle"
"Hey baby, are you a cloud server? Because I have something to upload from my hard drive."
"What is the difference between period blood and sand? You can't gargle sand!"
"What sort of crime is it if a neckbeard commits murder? A fedoral offense."
"[narrating people dancing at a wedding] These humans are using their legs for the first time today"