Joke of the Day

"Q: Why is a blonde like Australia? A: They're both down under and no one cares."

Next Joke
"What do you call a dog with no legs? You don't call him anything because he won't come running anyhow."
"What do you call someone obsessed with France A ouiaboo"
"Have you seen Kindergaten cop? It was such a good movie, they could easily make one or tumor."
"How do you make a German shepherd? Put him in a synagogue."
"Put all your neighbors names on your Halloween tombstones in your front yard and wink when you're outside and they walk by."
"I've just been diagnosed with a chronic fear of giants..... Feefiphobia"
"Nothing is fool proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
"A recent study states that people should only shower every 3-4 days. ""Stop being an idiot,"" said one wife who lives in my house."
"My girlfriend said ""I've got an itch between my toes"". So I asked ""Which toes?"". She answers ""My big toes""."