Joke of the Day

"""even if my client did kill his wife, think of the 7.4 billion people he DIDN'T kill."" - my first and last day as a defense attorney"

Next Joke
"Which street fighter is the least amicable? The ryudest one!!"
"Tell the dude at Starbucks your name is Poison Coffee, and when he calls your name, fall out of your chair onto the floor."
"A Mexican, a Jew, and a black guy walk into a bar The bartender looks at them and says ""get the fuck outta here"""
"Tibet and Tiwan REJOICE! Oh, nevermind. Wrong Chyna."
"Does your mum like shopping on the Internet? No the trolley keeps rolling off the top of the computer."
"What do ping pong players and my dominatrix have in common? They both like to paddle little, white balls."
"a big fat women looked in the mirror and said to her husband 'im fat and ugly say something to make me feel better' he said 'your eyesight is perfect"
"According to WebMD, this hairy thing on my chest is a cat"
"*Detective stands over murder victim* This looks like a case of... *Takes off sunglasses* *Removes contacts* *Brushes teeth* *Goes to bed*"