Joke of the Day

"How do Astronauts screw in a lightbulb? They don't: They screw in a vacuum."

Next Joke
"I only had one beer Cupcake Can i call you Cupcake? No?? Okay, I only had one beer Officer."
"New drinking game: Draw a card, if it's black take a shot... I call it Ferguson."
"Q: What kind of cats lay around the house? - A: Car-pets!"
"My favorite drinking game is that one where you drink every time you have access to booze."
"interviewer: any interests outside of work me: war and space documentaries mom: he means star wars me: mom stay in the car mom: nerd"
"What do you call a bad ass phone that doesn't work? Off the hook. (It's stupid but I did make it up)"
"You momma so stupid.. She got fired from the m&m factory for throwing away all the W's"
"What's Hitler's favorite thing in the ocean? Adolfin! Where does he go to see them? NotSea World"
"A lot of people tend to say life is like a rollercoaster. It is! Specifically the Smiler in Alton Towers. You start out with nervous excitement and by the end of it you need new knees."