Joke of the Day

"If you're in love with 2 people, pick the second one, If you really loved the 1st, you wouldn't have fallen for the 2nd."

Next Joke
"So buddy, how's life in North Korea? I can't complain."
"Knock Knock Who's there ! Button ! Button who ? Button in is not polite !"
"What do you call a man with no arms and no legs lying under a pile of leaves? Russel."
"Halloween is my favorite holiday where you can trespass on a stranger's property and make a non-negotiable demand."
"[job interview] Interviewer: It says here that you are a blowfish. Would you care to expand?"
"Why did I divide sin by tan? just cos."
"I met a girl who said she wanted to be a mortician... ""Yeah!"" she exclaimed, ""The job market for morticians is really great right now, despite what people say about it being a dying career."""
"My friend's WoW character couldn't go forward anymore. You'll never guess what he said !? "" wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"""
"What`s the definition of a misogynist? A man who hates every bone in the female body... except his own."