Joke of the Day

"What's the difference between peanut butter and jam? You can't peanut butter your dick in someone's asshole"

Next Joke
"Have you ever heard of Ethiopian food? Neither have they."
"America & UK are competing to see who can fuck up their country the most... UK is in the lead... but America has a Trump card."
"My wife is a computer geek and wants to name our son ""one eighth of a byte"" So I said ""Really honey? Don't you think that's a bit...?"""
"A grasshopper walks into a bar....... And the bar staff said to the grasshopper "" theres a drink named after you "" The Grasshopper replied "" theres a drink called bob?! """
"What's the similarity between a jew and a dog? They both hate the shower ^^^^SeeYouInHell"
"What was Hitler's favourite beer? Pure blonde"
"What do you get if your Kia is stolen in Finland? No Kia"
"What do cows read at the breakfast table? The moospaper!"
"Why do adrenaline junkies enjoy camping? Because it is in tents"