Joke of the Day

"What did one alcoholic say to the other alcoholic? I forget"

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"down vote this do it"
"Q: What do you call a powerful black guy? A: Obama."
"What does a bad salesman and a toilet have in common? They are both full of crap."
"You know why no one ever flunks out of Porn School? Everyone has to take a ""D"" on the final exam."
"Statistics say that 30% of women are on medication for some sort of mental issue... That means there are 70% running around out there unmedicated..."
"What do Australian chess players say when they're finished eating at a restaurant? Check mate."
"How much does a hipster weigh? An *instagram*"
"What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino? Elephino..."
"I was having dinner with a snowman... The other day I was having dinner with a snowman, and he says ""Am I crazy, or does it smell like carrots in here?"""