Joke of the Day

"Therapist: You need to focus on setting healthy boundaries. Me: *goes home* *puts broccoli around perimeter of donut box* *eats 12 donuts*"

Next Joke
"What do you call a Russian sovereign with dwarfism and a taste for both men and women? A little bizar"
"McDonald's new Obama Value Meal is for freaks!!!"
"What would an anime spinoff of Dora the Explorer be called? Swiper no Swiping"
"Logged into FB told Gemma her wedding pics are beautiful. Logged into Twitter to tell you she looked like a fat man in drag and I hate her."
"Can I borrow your G-String? Mine broke... said one guitarist to the other"
"What does laundry day and the 1950's have in common Color separation"
"I only have one cardinal rule... Never feed them past 9, because if you do they'll be up and chirping all night"
"Nephew: What's love? Me: Well, all the women text you except the one you like. And it hurts, so we drink. Sister: Get away from him!"
"Why did the chicken cross the road? It was going to... Al's Toybarn!"