Joke of the Day

"Why do men get erections while they sleep? So they don't accidentally roll out of bed."

Next Joke
"Why do black men smell bad? Because prison showers aren't very good..."
"Why did Star Wars come out 4,5,6,1,2,3? Because in charge of sequence, yoda was."
"*finally detangles ear buds *plane lands"
"why public hairs not gone white ?"
"Did you hear about the new PBR-flavored bagel spread ""Pabst schmear"""
"Why are all lesbians ill? They lack vitamin D"
"A joke a statistics prof once told me... The average American has one testicle and one ovary."
"What do you call a christian crawdad? A Prayfish."
"sorry but if your dog is small enough to be carried away by a falcon then it shouldn't be called a dog"