Joke of the Day

"What's Michigan's favorite beer? PbR"

Next Joke
"Stephen Hawking walks into a bar"
"Did you here about the gay midget? He finally came out of the cabinet"
"I'm convinced that those at work who drum on every available surface incessantly killed things as a child."
"I would make a joke about boiling water But it would be too steamy for reddit."
"What floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee? Nothing."
"Why are erectile dysfunction jokes so unfunny? They're not hard to make."
"I'm one of those people that no one warned you about."
"A magic tractor went down a dirt road And turned into a field."
"Thor. He follows the same naming conventions as macho men with their dogs. Thor means thunder. But also the literal translation of Mjolnir is ""crusher""."