Joke of the Day
"I never shower. No hobo."
Next Joke
"if 9-5 is a full time job, and 11/4 is a part time job, what's 9-11? An inside job."
"Why did the condom fly across the room? Because it was pissed off. (Also sorry)"
"Is mingerbread the opposite of stud muffin?"
"Why did the tomato blush? Because he saw the salad dressing."
"How do British people explain a period..? Bloody Hell"
"When British people get something stuck in their teeth, it's usually just another tooth."
"Surprise your wife today. Sell all her shoes and buy something nice for yourself."
"I didn't realise you spelled your name with a ""ph"", Steve. My apologies, Pheven."
"If he's a nice guy and treats you well, does it really matter what colour his Maserati is?"