Joke of the Day

"Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out, who was left? (Really?) Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out, who was left?"

Next Joke
"No one has stolen my lunch at work since I started labeling it ""Stool Sample."""
"Saw a FB group called 'I hate rapists'. *Phew* glad we solved that problem. Anything else we need to tackle while I've got the keyboard out?"
"What do you call an african american in a 3 piece suit? The defendant."
"[Travels back in time] Me: Abe, what do you think America looks like in the future? Lincoln: United as one nation... Me: Wrong! FATTER."
"I have a joke about US history but..... I'm going to rewrite it."
"The phrase 'balls to the wall' was originally conceived to describe Chuck Norris entering any building smaller than an aircraft hangar."
"We're choosing the paleontology exhibit over church because Jesus died for our sins but dinosaurs died for our Hummer."
"Plumbers are a lot like hookers... They'll unclog your pipes, but it's gonna cost ya."
"I'm not racist I have a black president."