Joke of the Day

"What do you call a christian crawdad? A Prayfish."

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"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964): An adolescent reindeer is first mocked, and then taken advantage of because of a birth deformity."
"Can electrocution get someone jail time? I'm not sure, but they'd definitely be charged"
"The new Linkin Park album"
"I once bought an alcoholic ginger beer. He wasn't very pleased."
"Just saw The Martian. If Matt Damon was alone on Mars, who was filming him that whole time? Clearly fake"
"What's the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? One is a Goodyear and one is a great year"
"[NSFW] Gay dad John: Bill, I just found out that my dad is gay. Bill: Oh? How'd you find out? John: His dick tasted like shit."
"I wish IKEA was more like Lego.. on the back of the box it would show you 4 other things you could make from the same materials."
"Today my brother got pinkeye... My day went pretty well, but in his eyes it was pretty shitty."