Joke of the Day

"What do you call a fish with no eye? (x-post: /r/badjokes) Fsh."

Next Joke
"Daughter is acting so rude I'm not sure she's even mine. Think my wife may have cheated on me with YouTube's comments section."
"Boss: Are you high? Me: If I was high could I do this? *teleports two inches to the right*"
"What do you call a Muslim who owns 6 goats? A pimp"
"How many blonds does it take to change a light bulb? Three. One to hold the light bulb and two to spin the ladder."""
"Why don't pc gamers get laid Because they're micro-soft"
"American Beer is liking having sex in a canoe... It's fucking close to water. Heard this from a Dutch friend of mine and thought I would share."
"My father used to go out drinking all night, come home and blow chunks. why we called our dog chunks, I'll never know."
"What did one snowman say to the other? ""Weird...I smell carrots, too."""
"Did you hear about the Aggie that moved to Oklahoma? Raised the I.Q. of both states."