Joke of the Day

"What is Reddits favorite country? Chi-LE!!!!!!!!!! My girlfriend came up with that one hope u guys love it as much as I do!!!!! :)"

Next Joke
"*wakes up* well, it looks like its that time again. time to do just enough activity to convince my body that it needs to go back to sleep"
"If you're reading this you're probably addicted to the internet. And by internet, I mean Facebook."
"If you play your cards right, I could be your 2nd and 4th husband."
"If your drug dealer doesn't give you any change, he's probably not going to give you a receipt either."
"What did one lesbian vampire say to the other?"
"It takes balls to be a man."
"How do Chinese people name their babies? Throw them down the stairs and see what sound they make."
"My attorney's sole responsibility after I die will be to unfriend people that post anything about angels on my wall."
"How did Moses make his tea? Hebrewed it"