Joke of the Day

"What's the best part of Chinese food? The 4/10 cookie"

Next Joke
"What`s the definition of a misogynist? A man who hates every bone in the female body... except his own."
"I hope Jackie Chan doesn't go the way of Eddie Murphy... I probably wouldn't be able to discern if he was playing every character in a movie or not."
"Why don't blind people skydive? It scares the fuck out of the dogs."
"What do you get when a cow jumps in cold water? Utter udder shudder."
"Wanna hear a short joke? Leafy's chin"
"2 pedophiles are chilling on the beach, one says to the other... Hey can you get out of my son"
"I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist."
"It's hard to get people to visit me in Alabama because the trip 30 to 40 years back in time can be rather arduous."
"Did you hear about the dyslexic occultist? He sold his soul to Santa."