Joke of the Day

"Life is like a box of chocolates... Mostly nuts and sometimes you get brown stuff on your hands."

Next Joke
"I told myself I should stop drinking .. .. but I'm not about to listen to some weirdo that talks to himself"
"English teachers' favorite knock-knock joke Knock-knock Who's there? To To who? *To whom*"
"D&D character name I'm going to make a half man half horse cleric and name it centaur for disease control"
"I'm definitely the drunkest person in this ball pit."
"The worst puns are hot dog puns."
"Funny pick up line Are you from Japan? Because I want to get in Japanese!"
"Why is Hillary Clinton running for President? Because it's easier than running from Law Enforcement."
"What does the cannibal do after he dumps his girlfriend? He wipes his butt!"
"Why do black men wear baggy trousers? Because their knee grows."