Joke of the Day

"What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing... they just waved."

Next Joke
"If Skittles were made from actual fruit, I'd be considered a much better parent."
"If a quiz is quizicle, what's a test?"
"So my friend went duck hunting the other day, but didn't get anything I told him it was alright. No harm no fowl."
"When the guy at the liquor store offered to throw in some ketchup packets, I automatically said yes. Still not sure why."
"What do the members of Blackstreet like on their sandwiches? Mayo mayo mayo mayooooooooooooooooo"
"The last beer didn't tell me why life is so confusing but it told me the next one would."
"Filming my own version of ""Taken"" using cats. My cat will play Liam Neeson and the red dot from a laser pointer is his daughter."
"Want to read a great construction joke? Sorry, I'm still working on it."
"When I like a girl, I play it cool. I wait. I text once, wait 60 years, and then I die."