Joke of the Day

"What is a Mexican's favorite sport? Cross-country."

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"""How many volunteers do we have for my evil army?"" 384 my liege ""Ok, round them up"" 400 my liege"
"We're sorry, the number you have dialed... 911 has been changed to a non-published number. Please make a note of it."
"My Wife Saw Me Licking A Yogurt Lid And Said ""Why Don't You Lick Me Like That?"" ""Because Yogurt Tastes Better"" The Divorce Is Next Tuesday"
"I'm an Asian male who scored a 2300 on the SAT I still don't know if i met my parents' expectASIANs."
"UK - We call it Autumn, from the French word ""autompne"" and later, the Latin ""autumnus"" USA - WE CALL IT FALL BECAUSE LEAF FALL DOWN"
"French bakers hate me... ...I feel their pain."
"The thing about blind prostitutes... You gotta hand it to em'"
"I went to a dance. First they played 'Jump', so I jumped. Then they played 'The Twist', so I twisted. Then they played 'Come On Eileen', so I got kicked out."
"What does a Christmas tree do after Christmas? It pines."