Joke of the Day

"My house is like an Indiana Jones movie. Partly because I walk around with a bullwhip, but mostly because of all the cobwebs."

Next Joke
"What do you call a blind german? A not-see (Nazi)."
"An abacus isn't exciting, but it's reliable. You can always count on one."
"What's the best way to grease a Ferrari? Run over an Italian."
"Osama Bn Laden Jokes in the title."
"Hey, I'll sleep when I'm dead. Also tonight."
"What do you call the runs in space? The floats"
"A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer.... and a mop."
"[grocery store with 2yo] Cashier: your son is so cute. What do you want to have next? Me: a vasectomy"
"What's red and bad for your teeth? A brick"