Joke of the Day

"I feel like every time a GOP candidate drops out, Oompa Loompas should appear & sing a song to teach us about the perils of gluttony & greed"

Next Joke
"We should let the redditors with the highest karma fight climate change... After all, they're just so good at recycling."
"what do you call a communist in a hurry? A soviet rushin! (wackady shmackady doo)"
"Waiter on ocean liner: Would you like the menu sir? Monster: No thanks just bring me the passenger list."
"knock knock Knock knock? Who's there? King Tut King Tut who? King Tut Key Fried Chicken!"
"""What's a karate experts favorite drink?"" ""Karatea!"" Fargo is the shit..."
"Sometimes I wonder if my wife ever heard me call her a dumb bitch. I think about it every day since she died from cancer. I never got to say it to her face."
"What did one orphan say to the other? ""Robin, get in the Batmobile"""
"Why don't you ever want Hitler to be your chemistry lab partner? Because he always ends with a really fucked up final solution"
"How do you know when someone's read the Game of Thrones books? Don't worry, they'll tell you."