Joke of the Day

"My Mormon neighbor said it was rude I assumed her husband's surprise birthday party invitation was also an invitation to be her sister wife."

Next Joke
"My wife told me she thinks men in camouflage look sexy... I just can't see it."
"Teacher: What's the definition of a Polygamist? Pupil: A parrot with more than one wife!"
"It's cute how I ordered 2 drinks and the bartender asked if I wanted to wait for the other person to be seated"
"How do you know a black guy's been at your computer? It's not there."
"I had sex with a waitress and it was terrible. She just wanted the tip."
"What do you call a rich Asian? *Cha Ching!*"
"I don't use my hands when I change my tampon. I just sing a jaunty tune and the Disney birds come in and begrudgingly do it for me."
"Someone told me to make a philosphy joke. My response: I Kant."
"It might be time to diet when you ask Siri to call your "" boyfriend"" and she dial's up Domino's pizza"