Joke of the Day

"How come no one liked the Chinese food enthusiast? He was a mega lo meiniac."

Next Joke
"COP: drop the gun CRIMINAL: no COP: [flipping through police handbook, whispers to partner] it doesnt say what to do if he says no"
"Who is this Rorschach guy? ....and why does he paint so many pictures of my parents fighting?"
"Thought of this one when i woke up today If someone injects Orange juice into their arm is it a Breakfix?"
"How many Alzheimer's patients does it take to change a light-bulb? to get to the other side..."
"last night I did a poo and in it was a tied up length of rope I shit you knot"
"Why is Iran called Iran? Because when I saw the bombs, I*ran*"
"What do you call a cat that torrents movies? A copy cat."
"What has nine arms and sucks? Def Leppard."
"What do spinach and anal sex have in common? If you were forced to have it as a kid, you'll hate it as an adult."