Joke of the Day

"Q: Why didn't the pig have to pay for drinks on the cruise? A: It was all-oink-lusive."

Next Joke
"My kids constantly yell at me whenever I try take their pictures, and I tell 'em: ""You're gonna need them in 20 years for your Throw Back Thursdays updates""..... whatever!!"
"Why are ghosts always dehydrated? They have a lot of boos but no water"
"A termite walks into a bar... And asks, ""Is the bar tender here?"""
"It's about damn time we start talking about spontaneous combustion. It doesn't happen in a vaccuum."
"Tomorrow I'm definitely going to start running, no matter how many days it takes!"
"What hood was the Swedish cholo from? StockHOLMES!"
"The greatest pickup line of all time... Let's be friends."
"If I give you breakfast in bed just say ""thanks"" Not ""who are you"" and ""how did you get in here"""
"What does a pirate say when he turns 80? Aye matey!"