Joke of the Day

"My friend bored me when talking about Latin... they had discussed it ad nauseam."

Next Joke
"What do you call it when a group of ghosts rob a bank? A polterheist."
"I lost my job at the bank on my very first day. A woman asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over."
"What's the longest word in the dictionary? ""Smiles"" because there is a mile between each S!"
"George Clooney looks that way because when he was a kid he kept making handsome faces and it stuck that way. No, don't stare."
"Girl just asked me to talk dirty so I described the space behind my fridge."
"If we have learned anything from the Friday the 13th movies, it's that Jason mainly kills people having sex. Most of you should be good."
"Windows 10 rollout"
"What's the last thing you want to hear while using a urinal? ""nice watch"""
"How many children do I want to have? Kind of a weird question for a first date, but umm I guess enough to finish the temple"