Joke of the Day

"My computer has been running slow lately... I tried restoring the computer and still no luck. I finally decided to paint the computer black and it ran so much faster."

Next Joke
"So I had an exam today... ...luckily I remembered it was April Fools Day and wasn't about to get pranked by my professor. I'm not that gullible!"
"What did the male titanic say to the female titanic? Nothing he just broke the ice."
"The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn."
"What do you do when a horse breaks down? Call triple neighhh!"
"If you haven't had a vagina around your neck... You haven't lived. Happy Mother's Day!"
"Why do clowns hate assassins? Because they go for the juggler."
"What do Donald Trump and JFK have in common? Nothing.. Yet."
"So I had an unplanned talk with my 13 years old son about masturbation yesterday... I told him it was a perfectly natural thing to do and that he should knock before he enters my room."
"If you're seen one shopping centre... You've seen a mall."