Joke of the Day

"How do skateboarders see? So gnar"

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"I tried baby proofing my home.. But they keep getting in"
"What do you get if you cross a rooster with a disobedient dog? A cock that doesn't come."
"I don't think any political ideology is inherently wrong Some are just alternative right"
"New bum For my birthday, I'm asking for a new bum. My old one's got a crack in it"
"The dyslexic jkoe A dyslexic man walked into a bra"
"I was addicted to the hokey pokey but then I turned myself around."
"Voldemort tried to kill my grandpa twice during the war! That's why his helmet has two lighting bolts."
"Sometimes I just like to sit on the couch and do nothing for 3 years."
"If I lived in Alabama, I'd name my daughter, 'Banjo-lina""."