Joke of the Day

"Are you an exception? I bet I can catch you."

Next Joke
"What did the zero say to the eight? Where'd you get the cool belt?"
"If Mary gave birth to Jesus & Jesus is the lamb of God, then did Mary have a little lamb?"
"So a man walks into a bar... It must have hurt like a sonuvabitch."
"No Linda, I CAN'T believe how early it's getting dark. After 4 billion years of this happening I was sure this would be the year it didn't."
"Americans eat Turkeys at Christmas. Do people in Turkey eat Americans?"
"Man boobs, man perm, man purse. If you have to identify something by saying the gender, it probably shouldn't exist. Sorry if this is a bad joke I just got bored watching the WNBA."
"Saw a guy with flames tattooed all over his face. I hope someday he finds a girl who has marshmallows tattooed all over hers."
"When everyone around you is an ahole you've gotta stop, take a long look at you & accept how awesome you are dead center in ahole land."
"What do children in north korea study for a science? Kimistry"