Joke of the Day

"An Italian and a Greek get in a fight over sex Greek: the Greeks invented sex centuries before the Italians! Italians: maybe so but we improved on it by introducing it to women!"

Next Joke
"How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles. (read it out loud if you do not get it)."
"How Can You Identify a Bald Eagle? All his feathers are combed to one side"
"When I'm at the pool, hopefully girls see the scratches on my body and assume I'm a great lover, and not that I enjoy giving cats piggybacks"
"I would never cheat on my partner. Because that would require two people to find me attractive."
"What does a rich physicist wear? Joulery!"
"Why did the architect have his house made backwards? So he could watch the football"
"What do you call a baby born at 4 months gestation? Doesn't matter, still born."
"parents, think twice before dressing your child as Cecil the Lion this year. my son will be dressed as a dentist, and I gave him a real gun"
"What do UP! and push-up have in common? First you have a great time, but after 5 minutes you end up crying."