Joke of the Day

"What do you call a pirate cartoon? An animatee!"

Next Joke
"Which sports team honors the true spirit of Thanksgiving? The Redskins"
"Did you hear the energizer bunny was arrested? He was charged with battery"
"I hate when people text back ""K""...I'm rarely in the mood to talk about potassium."
"Why did the hipster drown? He went ice Skating before it was cool"
"What do you do if a 4 year old girl catches you masturbating? Untie her"
"What do you call a black man flying a plane A pilot, what're you racist?"
"What's the capital of Greece? About 10."
"Why can't Z generationers swim? Their phones would get wet."
"Today I met this electrician... Sadly I can't remember Watt his name was."