Joke of the Day

"The preacher tells me today... "" I hardly see you in church. You need to join the army of the Lord"". I said... ""I am. I'm in the secret service"""

Next Joke
"Maybe she's born with it... maybe it was a sex change."
"What do you get when you put a knife in a babys ass? A hard on"
"A roman walks into a bar... A Roman walks into a bar and asks for a Martini, the bartender gives him two and the Roman walks away happy."
"What do you call a dead bird that was suicidal? A Robin Williams."
"What is Michele Obama's favorite vegetable? Barack-oli"
"Whenever I try to steal from people I get stabbed by an old plastic fork or a stick. The homeless are resourceful, man."
"Have you worked at McDonalds? I have. I got fired not long ago. My boss was a clown."
"How did the woman feel when she got run over by a car? Tired."
"How do Chinese pick a name for their newborn? They kick a Can"