Joke of the Day

"I got a new job crushing cans... It's so depressing..."

Next Joke
"How do you know if someone is a socialist? Don't worry, they'll tell you."
"Science joke The bartender says ""we don't serve your kind here"" He orders a drink A Tachyon walks into a bar Who wants to hear a Tachyon joke?"
"Just saw an old lady give up her seat to another old lady on the subway...polite or the ultimate shade?"
"What's your number? A jewish girl and a man walks into a bar. They hit it off and the man asks for the girls number. She lifts her sleeve."
"Did you hear about the gay guy who got in a car accident? Some dick rear-ended him."
"My bank called me today to alert me my card was used for a gym membership and they doubted it was legit because they see where I go to eat."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with."
"What do blind people think of a basketball? It's a never ending story."
"Did you hear they removed the essay portion from the SAT? Now it's just called the T"