Joke of the Day

"My son is petrified of thunder. I told him that is ridiculous, it's the lightning that will kill him."

Next Joke
"Did you hear about the terrorist suicide bombers rave party? I heard they had a blast."
"CW: if you repeatedly see a cardinal, it's the spirit of a loved one. I think that's my mom Me: that's nice. Your mom just shit on that guy"
"I never did understand why the ball was getting bigger but then it hit me"
"Did you hear about the argumentative skunk? He always liked to make a stink!"
"My mom said she is going Indiana. I said: That's gross mom I don't want to hear about your sex life."
"If Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are together on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it sinks, who survives? America."
"*Hulk smashes thru courtroom wall* SOMEONE ASK FOR INCREDIBLE WITNESS?! Judge- no, CREDIBLE! Hulk- shit HULK VERRY SORRY BOUT YOUR WALL"
"I'm just a girl sitting here wondering which outfit I own goes best with bad decisions..."
"Saw a teen couple buying condoms in the pharmacy so I let my grandbaby run around their feet & whispered 'that's the brand my daughter used'"