Joke of the Day

"Just overheard a young boy tell his friend this joke What do you call a corn dog with no legs? A *corn dog*, stupid! Corn dogs don't have legs!"

Next Joke
"What type of stories do cocaine addicts write? Snort stories"
"A Dirty Limerick (NSFW) There once was a girl named Betty, That said that she loved confetti, So I shot my man-goo, Through a fan where it blew, And sprayed her white as a yeti"
"If someone is spitting behind you, it means you're in front."
"Short joke I thought of. What's the difference between sheep and women? The Welsh don't know yet either."
"How are procrastination and masturbation alike? At first it's all fun, but in the end you realize you're just screwing yourself."
"What did the egg say to the boiling water? It might take me a while to get hard, i just got laid by a chick."
"Someone asked who sang Johnny B Goode, and I said Marty McFly because I'm not an idiot and I know how time travel works."
"What do you call it when two people make a baby in fog? A mist conception."
"Just bought a Subaru & it came with wet rescue dog nose marks on the windows, some pot & Whole Foods environmentally friendly shopping bags."