Joke of the Day

"I would tell you a pizza joke... ...but it's too cheesy."

Next Joke
"Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven is a registered six offender"
"Knock Knock Who's there ! Buffer ! Buffer who ? Buffer you can say Jack Robinson !"
"Gloryholes are like restaurants. The best ones are just holes in the walls."
"I used to sleepwalk all the time, but now I mix in a little sleepweightlifting a few times a week."
"Google Search: -is my toaster broken -can fire ants make toast -bathtub fire, small -house fire, how to stop -is house fire toast a thing?"
"Do you want a quick joke? Do you want another one?"
"Best alzheimer's joke"
"What do you get if you cross an owl with a witch? A bird that's ugly but doesn't give a hoot!"
"What is Hitler's favorite video game? Mein Craft."