Joke of the Day

"What's the worst part about meeting someone with Parkinson's? Shaking hands."

Next Joke
"I'm missing a 5 sided shape It's penta-gone."
"Bought a Muslim sex doll today It blows itself up."
"Just bought diapers and toilet paper because all my family does is shit."
"I hope I get a watch for Christmas! Because there's no present like the time."
"I'm beginning to think the dark circles that appeared under my eyes in 2008 may not go away."
"Knock-knock! Who's there? Centipede. Centipede who? Centipede under the Christmas tree."
"My girlfriend isn't a cunt She's not that deep or warm"
"Struggling with Christmas Presents??? If you're struggling to think of what to get someone for Christmas... Get them a fridge and watch their face light up when they open it!"
"LGBTQ stands for... LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and I think... queer, which is strange."