Joke of the Day

"What did my roommate say when I asked him if he wanted to watch the movie The usual Suspects? Is it about black people?"

Next Joke
"What does FIAT stand for? Fix It Again Tony"
"Making fun of someone's age is like mocking them for getting hit by a train because you're standing a little further down the tracks."
"Q: WHY CAN`T BLONDES WATER-SKI? A: When they get their crotch wet they think they have to lay down."
"Unless you can explain how you know me in three words or less, Facebook Friend Request: DENIED."
"All the single ladies (All the single ladies) All the single ladies (All the single ladies) Have cats."
"Walked in for bread, walked out with 6 bottles of wine. Now we're having communion for dinner."
"""Wife stabs husband with squirrel"" was on the news.. Does anyone know how to sharpen a Squirrel?"
"5yo: Can we go get a turtle? They're so cool! Me: Whats so cool about turtles? 5yo: They can breath thru their butts! Me: Grab your coat.."
"I hate it when... people refer to themselves as animal containers. and yes I'm a hippo crate."