Joke of the Day

"The opposite of Iceland is water water"

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"*walks out of prison, a free man. *guards shouting from gate ""From! At! For! With!"" What? ""Oh, we always end sentences with a preposition"""
"I like my coffee like I like my slaves. Free."
"I'd tell you a good time travel joke But you didn't get it"
"Why can trains go for longer than cars? Because cars get tyred but trains do not, with the exception of Rubber-tyred metro systems."
"Why does Donald Trump secretly want to lose the election? Because if he wins, he'll have to move into a smaller house in a black neighborhood."
"here come the bitches starting their winturrrrrr2012<3 facebook photo albums."
"Username walks into a hotel... And asks for a room. A few days later he leaves. I guess you could say, Username checks out."
"""Pray, love, eat."" -- A mantis"
"I hear birds chirping. Either I'm up way too late or I've banged my head cartoon style."