Joke of the Day

"*Running late *Light turns green but car in front wont go *About to honk when reads bumper sticker: honk if you love disco *Is late for work"

Next Joke
"What do you call a black man that flies a plane? A pilot you fucking racist."
"I should really stop writing ""lol"" after ""exercise"" on my to do lists."
"My girlfriend left me a roll of quarters for laundry today She told me to try to not blow it all on one load..."
"They just found a Black guy hanging from a tree with 79 stab wounds in Alabama.... The police say it's the worst case of suicide they've ever seen"
"I like my oreos like I like my people... ...held under the surface till the bubbles stop."
"How often do elements masturbate? Periodically"
"[farts on a windy day] Go. Be among your own kind."
"What do you get hanging from orange trees? Sore arms."
"Why was pregnant Cinderella late to the ball? Miscarriage"