Joke of the Day
"You can't spell ginger... without nigger"
Next Joke
"Jokes about menstruation are not funny. Period."
"What do you get when you put resistance on a stove? Ohm on the range"
"What do you call a mix between an umingmak and a wealthy Canadian-American inventor? An Elon Muskox! please don't kill me"
"My girlfriend just texted me ""myspacebarisbrokencanyougivemeanalternative?"" Does anyone know what ""ternative"" means?"
"Why did Anakin kill all the younglings? To get to the other side."
"What did people do every 5 seconds before Facebook and Twitter?"
"They say 1 in 4 men is homosexual. So there must be one in my group of friends. I hope its David he's super cute."
"""Do you have any children?"" Hannibal: ""Freezer. Bottom, right."""
"[murder occurs] ME: how terrible. why can't we love each other [someone slightly inconveniences me] ME: I will execute your entire family"