Joke of the Day

"How do you say gonorrhea in Russian? Rotchurcockov."

Next Joke
"I really want to tell you guys my 9/11 joke .. but it's just two plane"
"I had a dream where children were allowed to pick their parents, and I woke up thinking ""This is not The Gates' residence."""
"COP: Did the suspect have a birthmark? MARK: He's alive so I'm assuming he had a birth, yes."
"How do you confuse a jew? Put him in a circular room and tell him there's a quarter in the corner"
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Is a terrible thing to say to someone with a muscle eating disease."
"Did you hear about the alcoholic chemist that died? He just loved drinking PBr"
"Superman: Only one cookie left. Batman: Rock, paper, scissors for it? Superman: 1, 2, 3, GO! Batman: *pulls out Kryptonite and eats cookie*"
"I don't want Hillary to become the first f president. Whoops, meant to say female but the ""emale"" got deleted!"
"I hate having sex with my partner while we're camping... It's two fucking in tents."