Joke of the Day
"What's a boxers favorite joke? Punchline."
Next Joke
"I'm lazy, but not 'The guy who named blackbirds' lazy."
"What is black and white and black and white and black and white? A Newcastle fan rolling down a hill!"
"Something came in the mail today.... DEEZ NUTZ!!!! HA!!!! GOT HEM!!! GOT HEM!!!"
"One day, someone is going to hold you so tight, that all of your broken pieces fit back together."
"A girlfriend of mine was a psychic ... we broke up before we met."
"What do you call the everyday routines of rabbits? Rabbits habits."
"Can I get a football meatlong? With please, cheese."
"Steve Irwin died the same way he lived.. ..with animals in his heart."
"What did one earthquake say to the other? It's not my fault."