Joke of the Day

"The devil asked his resident weatherman what the forecast was for the week ahead... ""Hail, Satan"""

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"I was going to post a Michael Brown joke.. ..but I'm afraid it would just get shot down."
"I hate looking in the mirror. Whenever I do, there is always some asshole blocking my way."
"I hate tacos. Said no Juan ever."
"Catherine Zeta-Jones was recently diagnosed with bi-polar disorder half of the time she is Zeta, the other half shes Jones"
"Told this joke when I was three Me: ""Why did the cow cross the road?"" Parent: ""Wh-"" Me: ""Moo!"""
"Going through life totally ignorant must be the only way to find true happiness."
"I imagine it's pretty humbling for someone who's literally taking part in their first rodeo"
"What do you give an alligator who is having trouble hearing? A gator-aid. Bet you did see that one coming:P"
"Why did Karl Marx hate Earl Grey? Because all proper tea is theft."