Joke of the Day
"In Soviet Russia... You are in charge of Charles. (h/t Wife)"
Next Joke
"What does a tight-rope walker eat for breakfast? A Balanced Diet!"
"what do you call a pair of scratchy balls testickles"
"I just got these awesome red shoes but there is an issue with them. They have no soles"
"What do you get when you goose a ghost? A handful of sheet!"
"I like my women how I like my video on VLC player always on top"
"They told me to keep it in my pants... But it was too hard. Happy Valentine's Day folks!"
"Just told the Starbucks at the airport that my name was Ayatollah Bombface. Lol let's see wha"
"Q: What did the hat say to the necktie? A: You go AHEAD I'll HANG AROUND!"
"I hate the French They give me the Crepes"