Joke of the Day

"Finals in college are a lot like plastic surgery walk in with A's and leave with D's."

Next Joke
"What do you do with a sick chemist? If you can't Helium, Barium."
"Women's Darts The only time they'll see a 180 is when they're programming the oven."
"My friend took me to a twilight fencing class. I couldn't really see the point."
"What has 4 wheels and flies? A garbage truck"
"What's black and white stinks and hangs from a line? A drip dry skunk."
"Where does a king keep his armies? Up his sleevies"
"me: honey, I'm home! [shuts door] girlfriend: (from bedroom) oh yeah harder me: if you say so [slams door]"
"There's no harm in trying Unless you try to commit suicide,that will suck real bad"
"How do you get a nun pregnant? Dress her up like an alter boy."