Joke of the Day
"I hate jokes about German sausage.. They're the wurst"
Next Joke
"Say the punchline first. Wait, I mean, how do you ruin a good joke?"
"Dubstep joke Knock knock Who's there? Bob Bob who? Bob bubububu Bob Bob WuuuuOOOOWWWubwubwubwub edit: formatting"
"What's the difference between Jesus and other carpenters? Jesus may actually return some day."
"What is the definition of suspicion? A nun doing push ups in a cucumber field."
"What is Reagan's favorite vegetable? Jim Brady"
"My friend asked me why I haven't texted him in such a long while, I replied, ""My phone screen broke and now it's completely unusable... so I lost touch."""
"In Soviet Russia Assholes are like Opinions KGB only lets you keep one of them"
"Mrs. Smith: Help me doctor! My son John swallowed the can opener! Doctor: Don't panic. He'll be alright. Mrs. Smith: But how do I open the can of beans?! The toast is getting cold!"
"Best goldfish joke ever told Two goldfish were in their tank. One turned to the other and said, ""You man the guns; I'll drive."""