Joke of the Day

"What happens when the lights go out in a Chinese restaurant? It'll Dimsum."

Next Joke
"What do you call a limbless swimmer? Bob."
"whenever my Girlfriend say something funny... i reply: Hahahahahhavesexwithmehahahah"
"What happens when you come across lion? Wipe it off and say sorry."
"Just saw Star Wars IMAX this weekend. I have to say... It was a solid movie. I give it a perfect score of 5/7."
"Shredded cheese has officially been banned in grocery stores in the US. Trump will make America grate again."
"Some people ask for a Kleenex when they sneeze, Chuck Norris asks for a body bag."
"*enter password* *wrong* *wrong* *wrong* *reset password* ... *new password can't be the same as old password*"
"Two guys walk into a bar... ... I can't remember the rest of the joke, but your mother's a whore."
"I'm not the only Pokemon fan out there. There are Charmeleons of us."