Joke of the Day

"364 days until Halloween and people already have their decorations up."

Next Joke
"It's probably not relevant at all that the big tough republicans always seem to be the most terrified of everything."
"What do you get when you go scuba diving with your iPhone 6 The bends."
"What has four legs and is made out of wood? A horse."
"What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball? *choking sound"
"I own the world only talking dog... but he only talks about outer layers of trees."
"At what age did the world's greatest sushi chef begin his training? Tuna half."
"What are ISIS militants using to stuff their Thanksgiving goat? Their dicks!"
"Two condoms are walking down the street... ... and they pass a gay bar. The one condom turns to the other and says ""hey, wanna get shitfaced?"""
"Why did Microsoft skip to windows 10? Because 7 8 9."