Joke of the Day

"I used to indecisive, now I'm not so sure....."

Next Joke
"What do you get when einstein jacks off???? a stroke of genius!!!!! (its terrible, i know)"
"I heard Donald Trump has read a lot of different books.. ..Apparently for the most part he never made it past Chapter 11."
"Headphone....... A man was on a plane when a stewardess approached him and said, ""Would you like some headphones?"" To which the man replied, ""Yes I would, but how did you know my name was Phones?"""
"If not for the cowardly actions of John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln would have turned 207 today."
"What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis."
"Whats the difference between Zoidburg and Snowden? both accused of treason for expressing their freedom but Zoidburg didn't get his marshmallows!"
"How do Icelandic dogs bark? Bjork Bjork"
"What is the Difference? Joke: What is the difference between a snowlady and a snowman? Snowballs. Good joke Eh?"
"What's a karate experts favourite beverage? kar-a-TEA HA"